Tuesday, October 21, 2008

haha so this is my first time to write my blog in english

haha, so , this is my first time to write my blog in english..hehe~ for those who cant read chinese~

erm...of course i wanna thanks my friends here that supporting me along the way...now i'm of course recovered from that bad news haha~~ 

busy as usual these days..but a little different this time cause a lot of activities coming on now is about music hehe but not the host job....been busy composing a lot of songs...good wan la of course..stil ask ..ceh~ haha~

n by the way there is one very interesting shooting for the past few days, we worked together with this taiwan show called 'shishangwanjia', is those introduce food wan la....n the 2 host is very very funny n of course another 'sasa' princess is also very pretty..hehe learned a lot from them...n of course i heard this very funny joke from them....let me share wit those who didn't heard this b4 ya~~

we know actually there is about 10 stage of pain that we can classify to..
first stage is the pain when mosquitoes bites u...
second is the pain when u sit on a chair n ur ass kena kepit between the chairs..jus imagine la..
third n fourth n so on the higher the stage the more pain u feel ya...
until the 9th stage is the pain women experience when giving birth....
n so guess what is the 10th stage??? what cause u more pain than women givin birth???

haha ...the answer is ''deng deng deng deng' ....mosquitoes bites u when u givin birth....haha get it????


n another joke here....
when a girl receive a text msg from her boyfren saying that " sorry , i wanna breakup wit u..."
it hurts~~ really hurts....n this wil makes ur heart feel very very pain....so the question is....what can cause more pain than this???


the answer is....a mosquitoes bites her when she is receiving this msg .... ahahaha~~~ funny bo???

laugh always ya everyone~~good night....mus sleep early...is very important..go c julio's blog...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008







Wednesday, October 8, 2008


最近,因为老板说有一本书她觉得还蛮适合我去阅读的,所以趁有空就去了一趟书局咯。。哈哈~太久没去了啦!那天去one u 的书局找不到, 店员说卖完了,只有原版的,就是英文原版的啦~因为英文不太好,买回家看一定是浪费的啦,一边翻字典一边看,哪里会看久哩?哈哈,所以就没买咯~

哈哈, 说了那么久,是时候公布那本书的大名咯~小弟真的很少读书的,除了金庸的武侠小说每一本我都看完再看之外,这一本也算是少数我一定会再翻看的一本书。。它就是《追风筝的孩子》!!

花了三天断断续续的把它读完后,觉得真的太棒了~里头真的太多感人的镜头了,为什么说是镜头呢?因为作者真的可以用文字让我们读者幻想着每一个情节,真的太真实了,由于故事背景是在阿富汗,所以作者有介绍很多回教的一些小故事啊,教诲啊之类的,最感人的就是书里面描写的那段兄弟情,真的感动耶,如果你又看,看完后一定会有很多感触的,而我们会知道我们到底有多幸福,有多少人身在福中不知福,战争有多残酷,战火波及的地方和人们还有很多很多关于人性的一些值得大家思考的道理,还有很多很多。。我文笔不是很好,所以也介绍不了酱多,大家有兴趣就去看一看吧~真的是本好书只是很多中文翻译后的地方名会搞乱~呵呵~ 最近要读很多很多的书~找灵感咯!

哈哈,很爽哦~我学会很多招式哦!我记得有什么front fireman spin la , monkey climb la...哈哈,很多啦,也学不完,只是简单的介绍了一点关于钢管舞咯,太深奥了~~哈哈,导师们也很配合,很厉害哦!一定要看回我跳钢管舞~呵呵!

然后那天还有去安邦一个用户家玩游戏,带同JYM和罗忆诗一起去耶,好玩好玩,认识了大表姐小表妹,还有一对就快要结婚的情人(祝你们幸福哦!) haha 他们真得很搞笑哈哈!我觉得我还是最喜欢摆你上台的这个单元咯~可以看到那么多家庭观众开开心心地玩游戏之余,又可以送奖~哈哈!爽!!